Short Story
Tunnel Lightyears is a light and space installation series combining tunnel effects and light installations to simulate time travel and the concept of lightyears. The interplay of light and space provides an immersive experience, evoking deep thoughts about the universe, time, and space.

Tunnel Lightyears Light and Space Installation Series
Tunnel Lightyears is a light and space installation series exploring the concepts of time travel and lightyears. By combining tunnel effects with lighting installations, the artist creates a sci-fi-inspired space that leads the audience through a virtual time tunnel, allowing them to experience the endless possibilities of light and space. These installations not only have a strong visual impact but also provoke new thoughts about time, space, and the vastness of the universe.
In this series, the artist uses unique light arrangements and precise spatial design to replicate the expansiveness and depth of a time-space tunnel. The installations employ light changes, reflections, and refractions to simulate the concept of lightyears, giving the audience the feeling of traversing the universe and entering an ever-changing dimensional space.
The designs incorporate various materials and technologies, including LED lights, laser projections, mirror reflections, and fiber optics, creating intricate light pathways. As the audience moves and changes their viewpoint, the projection and reflection of light continuously shift, creating a dynamic effect akin to traveling through a time-space tunnel. The audience can experience the stretching and compression of space, as though entering a world of lightyears that is both real and surreal.
The core concept of Tunnel Lightyears lies in the interaction between light and space, exploring the fluidity of time and space, as well as humanity’s place and perception within the universe. A lightyear, a unit of distance in space, represents a vast span of time and space at the speed of light. Through the artist’s design, this concept is visualized and turned into an artistic experience, allowing people to directly feel the vastness and mystery of time and space.
The creation of the series will integrate virtual reality technology with physical installations. The audience will not only experience the changing of time and space but also have an interactive role in their time-traveling journey. The artist hopes to spark profound reflections on the universe, time, and human existence, while also exploring the intersection of science and art.
Funds raised will be used for the design and development of the installations, the upgrade and optimization of lighting technology, equipment purchases, installation and debugging, as well as the construction and arrangement of the exhibition space. The artist aims to offer the audience an immersive experience of time travel and the concept of lightyears, challenging their imagination about the infinite possibilities of the universe.


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