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História curta

“The Final Note” tells the story of Harold Wick, a deaf composer, who finds a way to reconnect with music through his inner senses. After losing his hearing, Harold discovers a new form of musical expression through touch, sight, and body rhythms. The film conveys a profound message: music is not just the sound we hear, but the emotional resonance from within.


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“The Final Note” – Resonance of Music and Soul

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Objetivo: $79,000.00
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Foco na Caridade: SOSST doa 1% do seu lucro líquido anual para as pessoas mais necessitadas, com o objetivo de tornar o mundo um lugar melhor.


“The Final Note” is a deeply moving film that explores the themes of music, hope, and the soul, telling the story of Harold Wick, a composer who loses his hearing and embarks on a journey to reconnect with his inner music. The central theme of the film is: “Even in the moment of losing everything, the soul can still play the most touching melody.”

Harold Wick was once a world-renowned composer, whose musical talent was rapidly gaining recognition, and everything seemed to be heading towards perfection. However, fate struck him with an unexpected blow at the peak of his career — he became deaf. This news shattered his dreams and hopes of ever creating music again. For Harold, music was not only a symbol of success and wealth but also the very essence of his life. After losing his hearing, his world turned silent, and the once-familiar notes and melodies disappeared from his life. In pain and despair, Harold struggled, believing that he could never compose again or reconnect with the passion and dreams that once defined him.

As time passed, however, Harold realized that he didn’t need his ears to hear external sounds; he could still perceive music through his inner senses. He began to use touch, sight, and his body’s rhythms to experience the music in new ways. By feeling the vibrations of instruments with his fingers, sensing the soundwaves and vibrations with his palms, and even using his heartbeat and breath to feel the rhythm, Harold discovered a different form of musical expression.

The film follows Harold’s efforts to create groundbreaking music with the help of his students. Together, they explore the endless possibilities of music, pushing the boundaries of traditional notes and theory to create something entirely new. Through this journey, Harold discovers that true music isn’t about external sounds, but about the resonance of the soul, the authentic expression of emotions and perception.

In the end, Harold not only composes his own “final note,” but he also rediscovers the meaning and value of life. The film conveys an eternal message: the power of music lies not in whether it is heard, but in whether it can touch the soul and resonate with our deepest emotions.



Resonance of Music & Soul
Agosto 2028
Entrega estimada
31763 Apoiadores
0 Restantes


Resonance of Music & Soul
Agosto 2028
Entrega estimada
31763 Apoiadores
0 Restantes


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