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투명성, 신뢰성, 글로벌화——이것이 우리가 모든 창작자에게 약속하는 것입니다!

단편 소설

“Whispers of the Wind” is a series of wood carvings that showcase the interaction between wind and nature. Each piece captures the invisible power of wind and its dynamic effect on trees, buildings, and landscapes. Though unseen, wind’s far-reaching influence on nature is presented through delicate carvings, making this series a visual delight and a soulful conversation with nature.


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에 의해 StarGazer55
1 캠페인 | 0 사랑받은 캠페인

Whispers of the Wind: A Wood Carving Landscape Series

0 남은 일수
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목표: $59,999.00
이 프로젝트를 지원하다

공익에 집중: SOSST는 매년 순이익의 1%를 가장 도움이 필요한 사람들에게 기부하여 세상을 더 나은 곳으로 만드는 것을 목표로 합니다.


“Whispers of the Wind” is a series of landscape artworks created through the ancient art of wood carving, aiming to capture the role and impact of wind on trees, architecture, and the natural world. Each piece, with intricate carvings and exquisite craftsmanship, re-presents the invisible power of wind and its profound interaction with nature. In these artworks, wind is not only a natural element but a living force that leaves its mark on every leaf, stone, and even every building.

Although invisible, the wind brings the world to life, affecting the sway of trees, shaking the contours of buildings, and even leaving ripples on the surface of rivers. Through wood carving, we make these subtle changes tangible, showcasing the unspoken relationship between wind and nature.

Each piece in this series reveals the delicate shaping of nature by the wind: the bending branches of trees, the slight ripples on the surface of rocks, and even the shadows and curves of buildings all come to life under the wind’s touch. These carvings are not merely representations of landscapes; they aim to make the viewer “feel” the presence of wind, to experience the invisible yet powerful force that shapes the natural world.

“Whispers of the Wind” is not only about artistic creation, it is an exploration of sensory and emotional experiences. Every carving connects nature with art, as the texture and grain of the wood interact with the carved lines to reveal the wind’s dynamics. The dialogue between wind and wood is not only visual but also resonates deeply within the viewer’s heart.

Each piece in this series is unique, capturing the omnipresence of wind in nature. These carvings make us feel the invisible connection between wind and nature: the lightness and rhythm of the wind through the trees, the power and depth of the wind through buildings, and even the silent force of wind that stirs the earth. These artworks not only offer a visual appreciation of nature’s beauty but also a deeper, spiritual connection with nature’s pulse.

“Whispers of the Wind” is not just a representation of landscapes; it is a dialogue between art and nature. Each piece expresses the dynamics of wind through the texture and grain of the wood, with every stroke of the carving attempting to capture the wind’s flow and transformation. The branches of trees, the outlines of buildings, and the landscapes of the earth all take on different forms and powers in response to the caress of the wind.

By supporting “Whispers of the Wind,” you are not just helping these artworks come to life; you are engaging in a deeper connection with the wind, with wood, and with nature. Each carving embodies respect and love for the natural world and showcases the timeless charm of wood carving. Let’s listen to the wind’s whispers together, feel the breath of nature, and allow these unique wooden sculptures to guide us into the soul-stirring journey of wind and nature.


Tree Shadows, Wind Marks
4월 2023
예상 배송일
762 후원자
238 남은 보상


Tree Shadows, Wind Marks
4월 2023
예상 배송일
762 후원자
238 남은 보상


아직 상품평이 없습니다.

“Whispers of the Wind: A Wood Carving Landscape Series”의 첫 상품평을 남겨주세요

이메일 주소는 공개되지 않습니다. 필수 필드는 *로 표시됩니다

리스크 알림

주의하세요, 크라우드펀딩 프로젝트에 참여하는 데에는 일정한 위험이 따릅니다…

우수한 아이디어


성공적으로 완료되었습니다
모금액: $426,800.00
목표: $170,000.00
0 남은 일수
성공적으로 완료되었습니다
모금액: $234,500.00
목표: $139,000.00
0 남은 일수
성공적으로 완료되었습니다
모금액: $148,140.00
목표: $40,000.00
0 남은 일수