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“Shattered Heartwall” tells the story of Lin Wei, a woman healing from emotional trauma with the help of a therapist. Through animation, the film illustrates her journey from emotional isolation to self-acceptance, revealing the difficulty and beauty of therapy. In the end, Lin Wei learns to embrace her imperfections, embarking on a path of self-repair and growth.


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“Shattered Heartwall” – Rebuilding Hope and Courage Within

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목표: $80,000.00
이 프로젝트를 지원하다

공익에 집중: SOSST는 매년 순이익의 1%를 가장 도움이 필요한 사람들에게 기부하여 세상을 더 나은 곳으로 만드는 것을 목표로 합니다.


“Shattered Heartwall” is an emotionally profound animated film that explores the journey of healing from emotional trauma. It tells the story of Lin Wei, a young woman who, after enduring the pain of a broken relationship, works with a therapist to gradually repair the shattered walls of her heart and rebuild her hope and courage. Through delicate psychological depictions and visual storytelling, the film delves into the emotional healing process and the journey of self-acceptance.

Lin Wei is a young woman who has been deeply affected by the end of a significant relationship. The emotional trauma from this breakup has left her with an invisible “heartwall,” isolating her from meaningful connections with others. As she navigates daily life, she struggles with growing loneliness and helplessness. The wall within her heart prevents her from fully engaging with the world, and despite her desire to move on, she feels trapped by the shadows of her past.

After much inner turmoil, Lin Wei is encouraged by a friend to seek professional help. Reluctantly, she begins therapy with a psychologist. At first, she resists confronting the pain deep within her, but over time, the therapist’s patience and empathy allow her to let go of her defenses. Through each therapy session, Lin Wei gradually faces her fears, anger, and sorrow. The journey is not without its struggles, and there are moments where she doubts the effectiveness of the process. However, with the therapist’s guidance, she learns to release suppressed emotions and begins to understand the root of her emotional wounds.

The film uses animation to symbolize Lin Wei’s internal world. Within her psyche, a once strong heartwall isolates her from everything around her. However, as the therapy progresses, cracks begin to appear in the wall. Lin Wei begins to open up, confronting her past wounds and anxieties. The visual style of the animation, with its dynamic use of color and light, mirrors the shifts in her emotional state, illustrating her journey from isolation and pain to self-discovery, acceptance, and healing.

“Shattered Heartwall” is more than just an emotional animated film; it is a story of self-acceptance and personal growth. Through Lin Wei’s healing process, the film highlights the difficulty and beauty of psychological therapy, revealing how one can confront emotional trauma, embrace imperfections, and rediscover inner strength. The film carries a powerful message: pain and trauma are not the end of life; they are the beginning of growth and self-discovery.

Through this film, viewers not only witness the power of emotional healing but also reflect on how they might approach their own trauma and struggles. “Shattered Heartwall” is a soul-searching journey, encouraging everyone, no matter the pain they’ve endured, to embrace courage and acceptance, and rebuild hope within themselves.



Animated Journey of Healing
5월 2027
예상 배송일
235 후원자
44765 남은 보상


Animated Journey of Healing
5월 2027
예상 배송일
235 후원자
44765 남은 보상


아직 상품평이 없습니다.

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주의하세요, 크라우드펀딩 프로젝트에 참여하는 데에는 일정한 위험이 따릅니다…

우수한 아이디어


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