“The River of Time: Comparing Old Photos with Modern Scenes” is a photographic series exploring the passage of time and urban transformation. By juxtaposing historical images with contemporary scenes, the series showcases the evolution of cityscapes and the societal shifts behind them. These comparisons invite viewers to reflect on the connection between past and present and consider the cultural heritage and memory preservation within the process of modernization.

The River of Time: Comparing Old Photos with Modern Scenes
“The River of Time: Comparing Old Photos with Modern Scenes” is a unique photographic project that explores the passage of time and urban transformation. Through comparing old photographs with contemporary scenes, this series allows viewers to visually experience the evolution of cities and also sparks deep reflections on history, memory, and cultural change. These juxtaposed works reveal how once-familiar places, streets, and buildings have transformed over the decades, showcasing the contrast between past and present.
In this series, we carefully selected historical photos, especially those capturing iconic cityscapes and street scenes. By juxtaposing them with modern-day images of the same locations, the photographer presents the processes of change these places have undergone. For instance, an old photograph from the 1950s may depict a bustling commercial street with low-rise shops and pedestrians in vintage clothing, while the same scene today may be filled with towering skyscrapers, busy professionals, and modern infrastructure. Through this visual juxtaposition, we not only see the physical transformation but also sense the societal shifts, evolving lifestyles, changes in urban planning, and the gradual evolution of cultural contexts.
“The River of Time” is more than just a simple visual comparison between past and present. The juxtaposition of old and modern images encourages us to reflect on the stories behind these transformations. Each photograph represents a moment in time, a historical witness to societal change and the passing of eras. The familiar street corners, old shops, and landmarks captured in old photographs may no longer exist today, replaced by modern shopping centers, office buildings, or completely demolished for redevelopment. These changes make us ask: What has modernization brought to our cities? Has it provided us with a more comfortable and convenient life, or has it, in some ways, deprived us of our cultural memories and identity?
Through these contrasts, the works present not just a change in physical space, but also a reflection of time and societal impact. The people, buildings, streets, and scenes in the old photos evoke the atmosphere of their time, while the modern scenes reflect the present state of society. In this series, time is not merely a backdrop; it is an integral part of the imagery. The viewer experiences the intersection and dialogue between the past and the present, as the contrast between the two eras reveals the layered history within our cities.
“The River of Time” compels us to reflect: What did the city around us look like in the past? Do people still remember the shape of the streets, buildings, and shops that once thrived? And, what do these changes signify? Are they the necessary sacrifices for progress and convenience, or are they the regrets and losses of urbanization? Perhaps the answers lie in the contrasts between old photographs and modern images.
By exploring these comparisons, this series not only allows us to deeply appreciate the monumental changes that time has brought to our cities, but it also urges us to pay more attention to cultural preservation and urban memory. We hope that this project will inspire viewers to value and understand the places within cities that may seem ordinary but carry rich history and cultural significance. While cities continue to evolve, the footprints of history remain etched in every corner. How can we protect and pass on these cultural memories in the fast-paced, modernizing world? This is a question each of us must contemplate.


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